Minecraft AlphaAntiClient Client 1.8.x (1.8 – 1.8.9) Hacked Client + Download

Minecraft AlphaAntiClient Client 1.8.x (1.8 – 1.8.9) Hacked Client + Download 🙂


Client: AlphaAntiClient
Client by: darkSkid7

this client is coded by me (darkSkid7) and it has such as nice design and its a pvp based client”
The prefix is +
First do +bind clickgui rshift ( if this do not work try +bind clickgui rshift)
When you are in the main menu click on the settings button and change it to another design (if you dont it will stay in the basic ugly design)
Disable fast render, it bypasses latest anticheats.
It has a spammer that spams the name of the client and wizardhax.com 😀
Sometimes if you disable the gui the screen stays blured just go in f5 and than back in first person and it will be removed 😀
The name of the client is “AlphaAntiClient”
I hope you add it to the website because it has such as nice design” –darkSkid7

Bind the GUI: +bind clickgui rshift

Download: HERE!!!

🙂 🙂 🙂